Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Torrent Suite™ Software 5.2/5.0 and 400 bp kit on the Ion S5™ XL System

The following table shows a high-level view of the dataflow. File sizes for Torrent data depend on the Torrent Suite™ Software version, chip type, and kit type.


Resulting file type

Ion 520™ Chip

Ion 530™ Chip

Ion 540™ Chip

Read Capacity


5 M

15-20 M

60-80 M

Signal Processing Input


210 GB

530 GB

2 TB

Signal Processing Output


30 GB

75 GB

180 GB

Base Calling Output

Unaligned BAM

55 GB

75 GB

85 GB

Aligned Output

Aligned BAM

10 GB

25 GB

55 GB