Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Add an HTTP proxy

Use the following command to add an HTTP proxy:

sudo TSsetproxy

Set the proxy address and authentication according to the following prompts:

  1. Enter http proxy address: Enter the proxy address. (If no address is entered, you are prompted to exit the program.)
  2. Enter http proxy port number [3128]: Enter a port number or carriage return to accept the default, 3128, port number.
  3. Enter the username for proxy authentication: Enter a username. If you do not enter a username, no authentication is set.
  4. Enter the password for proxy authentication: Enter a password. If you do not enter a password, no authentication is set.

A proxy address confirmation message is displayed:

http_proxy is set to http://username:password@proxyAddress

The recommended usage is to enter the command sudo TSsetproxy, as shown above, and be prompted for each value. You can however use the TSsetproxy arguments instead:

Usage: TSsetproxy [option]... --address Proxy address (example:
                '') --port Proxy port number (default: 3128) --username
                Username for authentication --password Password for authentication --remove Removes
                proxy setting --debug,-d Prints script commands when executing (set -x) --demo
                Prints what changes would be executed only. No changes are made --help,-h Prints
                command line args --version,-v Prints version