Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Barcode reports and output files

This section describes output and reports for barcode runs. The barcode reports section appears at the top of a run report for a barcode run and shows key performance metrics for each barcode in the run. The category named "No barcode" contains barcodes that could not be matched to known members of the barcode set being used.

The BAM and BAI links in the barcode report download files for only that barcode.

The Output Files section of the Torrent Browser run report includes barcode-related results files available for download. The links in the Barcodes row download compresses files of all barcodes for the run. The data in the Reads column are before alignment.

File Type


Barcode-specific Library Alignments (BAM and BAM Index)

Binary Sequence Alignment/Map (BAM), is a compressed, binary form of the SAM file. The BAM index (BAI) file speeds up the access time for a coordinate-sorted BAM file. The BAM and BAI files for each barcode are added to a single compressed file.


The FASTQ file format is not produced by the default analysis pipeline.