Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Edit run plan to review results before IRU upload

  1. In the Data > Completed Runs & Reports page, select your run, then review the results.
  2. Click Report Actions > Edit Run Plan.
  3. In the Ion Reporter screen, select your Ion Reporter server or cloud account.
  4. Select an existing workflow, then select Review results after run completion, then upload to Ion Reporter.
  5. Make any other necessary changes, then click Update Run & Reanalyze.
  6. Review the Run Results. If results are acceptable, click Upload to IR > Upload as Planned.

    A confirmation window appears.

    • Select Yes to upload as planned.

    • Select No to cancel the Ion Reporter workflow upload or workflow auto launch.

    • Select Review-Plan to look at the run results.

  7. Review the Ion Reporter Uploader results in the status.html or summary.html files.