Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Create and add a custom barcode set on the Torrent Server

  1. Create a comma-separated variable (CSV) text file for your custom barcode set. The CSV file can contain up to 384 barcodes.
  2. To add the file to the Torrent Server, open the software and click Settings () > References.
  3. In the left navigation bar, select Barcodes.
  4. Click the Add new DNA Barcodes button.
  5. In the popup dialog, click on the Download the example file link for an example file showing the correct CSV format. Edit your own CSV barcode list to match this format, and save the CSV file on your computer.
  6. Enter the Barcode Set Name and click on Choose File to select your formatted barcode CSV file. Then click Upload & Save.
  7. The barcode set file name is displayed in the list.