Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Search for a run

In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports to search for a run. When you search for run, the list is updated immediately after you enter, or select or de-select search options.

  • In the Search box, enter text from a Run Name, Run Notes, Report Name, Sample Tube Label, Plan Short ID, or Chip Barcode.
  • Click in the Date field, and select Today, Last 7 Days, Last 30 days, Last 60 Days, Last 90 Days, or select a Date Range.
  • Use the filters to narrow results by Status, Project, Server, Sample, Reference, Flows, Chip, Sample Prep, or Instrument.

    Select or de-select the checkbox for a selected filter to remove that filter and restore the search results that were filtered.

  • The star filter, when enabled, only shows starred runs
  • Click the Sort: drop-down menu and select an option to sort results by reports, run name, run date, number of flows, chip description and so on.
  • Click Clear All to remove filters and restore all results.
  • Toggle between Less Filters and More Filters to limit or expand the filters shown.