Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Add a custom DNA barcode set

To add a barcode set, packaged as a list of barcodes in a Comma-separated Variable (CSV) text file, create the CSV file then select the file to add it to the barcode set list.

  1. If needed, create the CSV file containing a maximum of 96 barcodes, using Microsoft™ Office Excel™, Calc, or an equivalent program. Save the file with a .csv extension.
  2. Click Settings () > References, then scroll down to the DNA Barcodes panel.
  3. Click Add new DNA Barcodes on the right side of the DNA Barcodes panel:
  4. In the Add New DNA Barcodes dialog, enter the required Barcode Set Name in the edit window and browse to find the Barcode CSV File:
  5. To view an example CSV file, click Download the example file: The example CSV file contains column headers only. The following table describes the column headers:






    The unique name for this barcode entry.



    The barcode sequence. G, C, A, and T (always upper-case) are allowed.



    The portion of the barcode adapter not used to identify this barcode. Often referred to as the "stuffer sequence". G, C, A, and T (always upper-case) are allowed.

    flow order


    Not used.



    Not used.

  6. Click Upload & Save to add the new barcode set.
  7. When you return to the DNA Barcodes section, click the Name column header to sort the column and have your new barcode set appear.

In previous releases, the CSV file used score_mode and score_cutoff fields. These are now entered as BaseCaller parameters (--barcode-mode and --barcode-cutoff) during reanalysis of a run.