Plan > Template screen organization
Templates are organized by sequencing application (and by product for some applications):
AmpliSeq DNA Ion AmpliSeq™ applications, including the Ion AmpliSeq™ Comprehensive Cancer Panel, Ion AmpliSeq™ Inherited Disease panels.
AmpliSeq RNA Ion AmpliSeq™ RNA applications, including the Ion AmpliSeq™ Transcriptome Human Gene Expression Panel and Ion AmpliSeq™ RNA Panel.
DNA and FusionsIon AmpliSeq™ fusion applications, including the Ion AmpliSeq™ Colon Lung v2 with RNA Lung Fusion Panel and Ion AmpliSeq™ Lung Fusion Panel.
Generic Sequencing Your own applications that do not fit in the other categories. With a generic sequencing template, you provide the settings for the experiment. Your choices are not restricted based on the logic of an application workflow, and it is theoretically possible to create a flawed template.
Pharmacogenomics Ion AmpliSeq™ Pharmacogenomics Research Analysis Panel.
TargetSeq TargetSeq™ products and other targeted resequencing applications, with parameters optimized for hybridization-based target enrichment.
Whole-Genome Seq Whole genome sequencing applications, which do not assume enrichment and do not require a target regions file.
16S Target Sequencing Ion AmpliSeq™ 16S metagenomics applications.
The template page also has groups for recently-used templates and for templates that you mark as your Favorites.
You can also create a template from your Ion AmpliSeq™ Designer.