Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Update Torrent Suite™ Software

Updates to Torrent Suite™ Software cause the software web services to restart. Ensure that no analysis jobs are running on the server or are queued to run.


These procedures require an administrative (ionadmin) account. A user account such as ionuser does not include sufficient privileges for these procedures.

  1. Sign in to Torrent Suite™ Software with your ionadmin account.
  2. Click Settings () > Configure.
  3. Scroll to the Database Administration section, then click Admin Interface.

    If you are prompted to Sign in, use your ionadmin account.

    The Site administration page opens.

  4. Click Update Server in the Management Actions section:

    The Update Torrent Suite page opens with information on available software versions, including whether updates are available.

  5. Click Activate to power on website maintenance.
  6. Click Check to check for updates.
  7. If software updates are available, click Update Server to update Torrent Suite™ Software on the server.
  8. When the software update is complete, click Back to Main Site, then click Settings () > About.
  9. Review the Torrent Suite™ Software version number in the Releases list to ensure it reflects the update that you completed.
  10. To ensure that the Torrent Suite™ Software upgrade is complete, and that the software is ready to run analysis programs, click Settings () > Services.
  11. Under Status in the Services, review all services to ensure that each is running.

    To ensure compatibility between the software and instruments, you must also upgrade sequencing instruments after the Torrent Suite™ Software upgrade is complete.