Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Determine the fault cause

If an analysis run fails, make the following checks:

  1. Has the Ion PGM™ or Ion Proton™ Sequencer completely transferred the data for the run? Go to the sequencer Data Management screen to ensure complete data transfer. If you are not sure the data was transmitted. you can retransfer it.
  2. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports tab to ensure that the file transfer was complete. Also, check if there are any error messages, such as User Aborted. Look for a status of Error or Pending.
  3. If the report was generated, check if there are any messages on the report itself.
  4. Click the Support link towards the bottom of the run report (above the Plugin Summary row of buttons). Click View the Report Log or Download the Customer Support Archive. You can send the customer support archive to your Ion Torrent™ contact for review.
  5. If you cannot determine the cause of the fault, try restarting the run.