Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Template customization

You can create your own template in order to have specific customization that is not available in the pre-installed templates. Examples of customization include the following:

  • Custom plugin usage.

  • Use of custom BED file for regions of interest or hotspot locations.

  • Automatic inclusion of result sets into one or more projects, for convenient data management step later on.

  • Automatic export of results sets to other analysis systems, such as to the Ion Reporter™ Software system.

In general, you start with the product template or application template that most closely matches your research requirements, copy that template, make your custom changes in the template wizard, and save your new template under a new name.

Your new template appears in the same application group as the original template. You optionally can also mark the new template to appear in your Favorites template group.


Valid characters in a template or plan name are the following: alpha-numeric, dashes, underscores, spaces, and periods.

Commas are not allowed in a plan or template name.