Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Pre-installed barcode sets

Torrent Suite™ Software includes pre-installed barcode sets such as “IonXpress”, “IonXpressRNA” and "IonCode".

When setting up a Planned Run or performing a run, select the appropriate barcode set for your library type as follows:

  • DNA libraries: Select the IonXpress barcode set, which includes all barcodes in the Ion Xpress™ Barcode Adapters 1–96 Kits, or the IonCode barcode set, which includes the 384 barcodes in the IonCode™ Barcode Adapters 1−384 Kit (Cat. No. A29751).

  • RNA libraries prepared using the Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit v2: Select the IonXpressRNA barcode set, which contains all 16 barcodes in the Ion Xpress™ RNA BC01–16 Kit (Cat. No. 4475485).

If you are not using barcodes:

  • DNA libraries: Leave the Barcode field blank.

  • RNA libraries prepared using the Ion Total RNA-Seq Kit v2: Select RNA_Barcode_None from the dropdown list. This will ensure that the proper trimming is performed on the resulting sequence when the RNA library does not have a barcode.


Do not edit, delete, or modify the pre-installed barcode sets.