Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

The Command Line Args (Advanced) tab

An example Advanced Options page is shown here:



Beadfind args

Beadfind module command line arguments. Should not be modified unless instructed by Ion Torrent™ Technical Support.

Analysis args

Analysis command line arguments. Should not be modified unless instructed by Ion Torrent™ Technical Support.

Pre Basecaller args for calibration

BaseCaller command line arguments. See Basecaller arguments for information on --barcode-mode, --barcode-cutoff, and --barcode-filter. Other Basecaller arguments should not be modified unless instructed by Ion Torrent™ Technical Support.

This field is used only if a Base Calibration Mode other than 'No Calibration' is used.

Recalibration Args

Recalibration command line arguments.

Basecaller args

BaseCaller command line arguments. See Basecaller arguments for information on --barcode-mode, --barcode-cutoff, and --barcode-filter. Other Basecaller arguments should not be modified unless instructed by Ion Torrent™ Technical Support.

Alignment Args

Arguments for the TMAP aligner.

(Replaces the TMAP Args field that appears in previous releases.)