Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Log files in the results folder

Many log files, which are shown in the following table, are generated for different parts of the Analysis pipeline. Some files only appear when a problem occurs. You do not need to log in to see these files. Opening a report and removing the report name gives you a directory listing of all the files, which you can open directly as text files. Be careful that you do not open a large file using the web browser.




Lists the versions of the Ion software packages that were installed at the time the report was generated and the host name of the server. This information is also displayed on the default report.


Lists all of the Test Fragment Templates that were used for generating this report. If the file size is zero and there are no data in the file, either no templates are installed or none are flagged isofficial. Analysis only checks against the templates that are marked isofficial, which is set using the Templates tab in the browser.


Lists problems uploading data to the database. If analysis results are not being displayed in the browser, check this file.

Normal results:

Updating AnalysisAdding TF MetricsAdding Analysis MetricsAdding Library MetricsAdding Quality Metrics

Error examples:

Failed addAnalysisMetricsFailed addLibMetrics


Analysis run status. If the analysis completed successfully, the contents of this file are a 1. A value of 0 indicates a failure occurred, requiring that you check other log files to determine the cause. No specific error information is provided in this file.


Run events and length. The command-line passed to the Analysis program is also included, which is useful to re-run the same analysis. These files are in subdirectories named sigproc_results/block_ *.

sigproc_results/sigproc.log basecaller_results/basecaller.log alignment.log

Analysis pipeline log files. Always check for errors in these files, especially the first and the last windows.

The contents of these log files (without HTML formatting) are available in the Torrent Browser with the run report Support tab View the report log link:


Post-analysis events.


Error messages related to processes called after the primary analysis. This has a value of zero if the analysis completed successfully.


Useful troubleshooting information generated during the alignment process. This file is only created when there is a problem.


A memory dump listing, usually caused by a critical fault. You should see a related exception or core dump message in an analysis pipeline log file.


Errors related to TMAP. If the file is not present, it is likely that TMAP was not called.These files are in subdirectories named basecaller_results/block_ *.