Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Run report plugin summary

The run report contains a short summary of plugin output. These summaries appear below the run report metrics and above the Output Files section.

To review the plugin results:

  1. Click Plugin Summary near the top of the run report:

  2. Click See plugin results above:

The variantCaller summary area is slightly different for barcoded and non-barcoded runs. In both cases, the summary section includes the following:

  • Information about the analysis type, targeted regions and hotspot files, and variantCaller parameter settings.

  • The total number of variants called.

  • The variantCaller.html link to the results page.

  • Download links:

    • The zipped VCF file of variant calls.

    • The Zipped VCF index file (required for IGV).

    • The results in a tab-separated file.