Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help


The Axeda® RSM (Remote System Monitoring) agent is a software component that is installed automatically on the Torrent Server and Ion S5™, Ion PGM™, and Ion Proton™ Sequencers via the software update process.

Approximately every 60 seconds, this agent sends a heartbeat message to Thermo Fisher. This information is used to track the deployment and software configuration of machines in the field.

Data is collected in the Axeda® monitoring database, where Thermo Fisher technical support personnel can review the information that agents collect. Because the heartbeat message is sent many times an hour, Tech Support can quickly see the following:

  • If a machine is online

  • The software versions

  • Some technical details about the instrument such as temperature and hard drive status.

The agent also allows Ion Torrent™ to log in remotely to the Ion S5™, Ion PGM™, andIon Proton™ systems and the Torrent Suite™ Software, which is required for system support. Without remote access, Thermo Fisher Field Application Scientists cannot access, view, and troubleshoot problems regarding machine performance.