Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Change a password in the Torrent Suite™ Software database


This process updates the database directly, and cannot be undone or recovered in case of error. Do not proceed unless you can confidently execute SQL commands with a command-line utility.

  1. Login to the database

    Sign into your Torrent Server host and get an interactive postgres database command prompt:

    ionadmin@my-torrent-server:~$ psql -U ion -d iondb psql (8.4.5) Type
                            "help" for help. iondb=>
  2. Display the user list

    In our example, the user ionadmin forgot the password, but we know the ionuser password. This command provides a list of users and passwords:

    iondb=> SELECT username, password from auth_user; username |
                            password ----------+-----------------------------------------------------
                            ionuser | sha1$7e254$476582a5fa365cdd6081a80ac161c1904cc9c374 ionadmin |
                            sha1$93099$b7da0df453d8db1c7715cabef9651c73003de849 ion |
                            sha1$7798b$c025c463682f84b66cf3b5168356a04e3ce3b899 (3 rows)
  3. Copy the password from another user

    The passwords are hashed in the database, so we do not know what the actual password is. But we know the ionuser password is ionuser, so we can copy that hashed password to ionadmin, and that will change the ionadmin password to ionuser.


    The UPDATE command modifies the database. Do not proceed with this step if you are not comfortable with SQL commands.

    iondb=> UPDATE auth_user set
                            password='sha1$7e254$476582a5fa365cdd6081a80ac161c1904cc9c374' where
  4. Check that the password has been changed

    Query the database one again to verify that the password has been changed. See that ionadmin and ionuser now have the same password

    iondb=> SELECT username, password from auth_user; username |
                            password ----------+-----------------------------------------------------
                            ionuser | sha1$7e254$476582a5fa365cdd6081a80ac161c1904cc9c374 ionadmin |
                            sha1$7e254$476582a5fa365cdd6081a80ac161c1904cc9c374 ion |
                            sha1$7798b$c025c463682f84b66cf3b5168356a04e3ce3b899 (3 rows)
  5. Reset the password

    Now you can Sign in via the UI as ionadmin, and reset the password. Remember to change the password via the Change password form.