Coverage statistics summary
A summary of the statistics presented in the tables at the top of the plugin report. The first line is the title. Each subsequent line is either blank or a particular statistic title followed by a colon (:) and its value.
Base depth of coverage
Coverage summary data used to create the Depth of Coverage Chart. This file contains these fields:
read_depth The depth at which a (targeted) reference base has been read.
base_cov The number of times any base was read (covered) at this depth.
base_cum_cov The cumulative number of reads (coverage) at this read depth or greater.
norm_read_depth The normalized read depth (depth divided by average base read depth).
pc_base_cum_cov As base_cum_cov but represented as a percentage of the total base reads.
Amplicon coverage summary
Coverage summary data used to create the Amplicon Coverage Chart. This file contains these fields:
contig_id The name of the chromosome or contig of the reference for this amplicon.
contig_srt The start location of the amplicon target region.
This coordinate is 1-based, unlike the corresponding 0-based coordinate in the original targets BED file.
contig_end The last base coordinate of this amplicon target region.
The length of the amplicon target is given as tlen = (contig_end - contig_srt + 1).
region_id The ID for this amplicon as given as the 4th column of the targets BED file.
gene_id The gene symbol as given as the last field of the targets BED file.
gc_count The number of G and C bases in the target region. Hence, %GC = 100% * gc / tlen.
overlaps The number of times this target was overlapped by any read by at least one base.
Individual reads might overlap multiple amplicons where the amplicon regions themselves overlap.
fwd_e2e The number of assigned forward strand reads that read from one end of the amplicon region to the other end.
rev_e2e The number of assigned reverse strand reads that read from one end of the amplicon region to the other end.
total_reads The total number of reads assigned to this amplicon. This value equals (fwd_reads + rev_reads) and is the field that rows of this file are ordered by (then by contig id, srt and end).
fwd_reads The number of forward strand reads assigned to this amplicon.
rev_reads The number of reverse strand reads assigned to this amplicon.
cov20x The number of bases of the amplicon target that had at least 20 reads.
cov100x The number of bases of the amplicon target that had at least 100 reads.
cov500x The number of bases of the amplicon target that had at least 500 reads.
Chromosome base coverage summary
Base reads per chromosome summary data used to create the default view of the Reference Coverage Chart. This file contains these fields:
chrom The name of the chromosome or contig of the reference.
start Coordinate of the first base in this chromosome. This is always 1.
end Coordinate of the last base of this chromosome. Also its length in bases.
fwd_reads Total number of forward strand base reads for the chromosome.
rev_reads Total number reverse strand base reads for the chromosome.
fwd_ontrg (if present) Total number of forward strand base reads that were in at least one target region.
seq_reads Total sequencing (whole) reads that are mapped to individual contigs.
Aligned reads BAM file
Contains all aligned reads used to generate this report page, in BAM format. This is the same file that can be downloaded from the main report (for the specific barcode). Refer to the current SAM tools documentation for more file format information.
Aligned reads BAI file
Binary BAM index file as required by some analysis tools and alignment viewers such as IGV. This is the same file that can be downloaded from the main report (for the specific barcode).