Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Barcode reports

Barcode reports are included in the Run Summary runs that use barcodes. It shows key performance metrics for each barcode included in the run.

The number of barcodes in the barcode report reflects the barcode set that was used in the run and the barcodes that are present in the sample. Data is included only for barcodes that are present in the run.

The barcode section of a run report displays the following information per barcode:



Barcode Name

The individual barcode in the barcode set.

The row labeled as No barcode reports on unclassified barcodes, which are reads that could not be classified as matching one of the expected barcodes in the barcode set.


Name of the sample that was sequenced on instrument.


Post filtering base output per barcode.

% ≥ Q20

The percentage of reads that have a predicted quality score of Q20 or better.

A Q20 score is the predicted quality of a Phred-like score of 20 or better, or one error in 100 bp.


Total number of filtered and trimmed library reads (independent of length). This number is reported in the barcode BAM file.

Mean Read Length

The average read length, in bp, of all filtered and trimmed library reads reported in the barcode BAM file.

Read Length Histogram

A thumbnail histogram of the read lengths for this barcode. Click the thumbnail histogram to open a larger image.


Provides links to download the UBAM, BAM and BAM index files (BAI) for this barcode. The BAM file contains aligned reads sorted by reference location.