Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Review run results — sampleID plugin

After your sequencing run completes, review results in the Run Summary.

  1. Click the Data tab > Completed Runs & Reports, then search for your run.
  2. Click the Report Name link to open the Run Summary for your run.
  3. Scroll down to the sampleID section, then click the link to find the plugin results in the Run Summary.
  4. Click sampleID.html to open the sampleID plugin results in the browser tab.



    Open the detail report.


    With the detail report, you can review the IUPAC SNP calls. You can review full coverage information for the individual sample tracking targets and hotspots.

    Click on a barcode ID

    Open the data in a downloadable tab-separated spreadsheet, or PDF report.

    Click Download Barcode Summary Report

  5. To return to Torrent Suite™ Software, click back in the browser.