Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Wizard Kits Page

On the Kits wizard page, enter the following information about laboratory kits and other sequencing parameters:

  • (Optional) Sample preparation kit

  • Library kit type, including the forward library key and the forward 3' adapter

  • Templating kit type

  • Sequence kit

  • Number of flows

  • Barcode set Required for barcoded runs

  • Base calibration mode

  • Control sequence Required for RNA runs

  • Chip type Required

  • Mark PCR Duplicates Not recommended for Ion AmpliSeq™ data

Chip type is required. As with all fields, if you enter chip type in your templates, then it is automatically entered in your run plans.

New in version 5.2, smart filtering is enabled on the Kits screen. When you select an instrument, the Chip Type options are filtered so that you cannot select an incompatible chip in error.

Example Kits page:


The value entered for number of flows represents the maximum possible for a run using a planned run based on this template. Instrument conditions such as the availability of consumables might cause fewer flows to be completed.