Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Configure the File Exporter plugin

  1. To select the file options, click the appropriate checkboxes under the Include and Archive columns.

    File types



    Native file format for data generated by Ion instruments.

    Variant Call Format (VCF)

    File containing only the differences between the BAM file and a reference file.

    Variant Caller Excel File (XLS)

    Excel format of VCF.


    Text format of the nucleotides.

    Include Variant Caller Files?

    Creates the variantCaller plugin output files named according to your file naming pattern. If the variantCaller plugin has not been run on this run report, this option has no effect. the variantCaller plugin output files are no included in the compressed file.

    Archive file types


    Standard zip file.


  2. Name the file. Select one of the following:
    • Select a unique file name by entering the desired name in the Custom Name text box.

    • Create a name using parameters of the run. Drag and drop components from the selections pane onto the name pane row. The naming options are in the blue boxes. The name appears under Example Name. You can use the following run metadata in your file naming patterns:

      • Run Name

      • Report Name

      • Report Date

      • Chip Type

      • Sequencer Name

      • Sample Name

      • Barcode Name

      • Custom Name

      You also can choose the delimiter used between metadata fields. Support delimiters are dot, dash, and underscore (a naming pattern uses only one delimiter).

    1. Name pane row

  3. Click Save Configuration.