Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Work with Obsolete Reference Sequences

The Obsolete References Sequences section provides a checklist of the libraries that need to be upgraded after an update to a Torrent Suite™ Software release that uses a new TMAP index. (Your list will be different.)

The Torrent Browser aids you in identifying the obsolete sequences by automatically recording the libraries that were installed before the upgrade. You need to upgrade these obsolete reference sequences using the Rebuild All Now button. (However, the Rebuild All Now process does not remove the references from the obsolete table. If you previously upgraded to 2.2, you rebuilt your references indices at that time, and you do not need to rebuild them again.)

The only reference library available after upgrade is E. coli DH10B, which is displayed in the Reference Sequences panel of the Admin References tab and on the Ion PGM™ Sequencer genome choice list menu. The previous default Ion Torrent™ reference library, E. coli K12, is permanently removed.