Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Plan a run

The following steps describe how to plan templates and planned runs that fit into your Ion S5™, Ion S5™ XL, Ion PGM™, or Ion Proton™ sequencing workflow.

  1. Decide on your sequencing application and sequencing product (such as an Ion AmpliSeq™ panel).
  2. Select a pre-installed template with defaults for your application and sequencing product, or create your own template from scratch to customize your template.
  3. Create new planned runs from your templates, adding the names of the samples to be sequenced. The Torrent Suite™ Software assigns your new plan a run code.
  4. Enter the run code directly on the Ion sequencing instrument to start the sequencing. The planned run automates the process from sequencing through data analysis and data handling.

    Plan templates and planned runs allow you to enter run information via the Torrent Suite™ Software instead of directly on the Ion sequencer. The use of templates and planned runs reduces the chance of error and wasted runs, reduces setup time on the sequencing instrument, and increases instrument throughput.

    On the sequencer, information for a planned run is applied to the current Run Info screen by entering the short code of the planned run, or by selecting the planned run from a menu list of planned runs. You can also overwrite (change) planned run information directly on the sequencer.