Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Report header

The left side of a run report header contains the following navigation links:

  • Output Files Jumps to the Output Files area

  • Plugin Summary Jumps to the Plugin Summary area (which also has the Test Fragment, Analysis Details, Customer Support, and Software Version buttons)

The right side of run report header contains buttons for the following:

  • Upload to IR Copies the run report's output files to Ion Reporter™ Software.

  • Report Actions
    • Review Plan Opens a summary page of the planned run information for this run

    • Edit Run Plan Opens an Edit Run page

    • Copy Plan Opens the run plan wizard with a copy of the run plan information for this run

    • Select plugins to run Opens the Select a plugin window

    • Reanalyze Starts a reanalysis of the run (you have the opportunity to changes settings first)

    • Data Management Opens the Data Management app, which you use to delete, archive, export, or mark as do-not-delete the files for this run report

  • Reports Opens the run report of a different result set for the same sample

    • Summary PDF Downloads the run report summary in PDF format

    • Plugins PDF Downloads a summary of the plugin results in PDF format

    • Classic Report Opens the run report in Torrent Suite™ Software 2.x format

Drop-down options shown below: