Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

BaseCaller Parameters

This page describes BaseCaller parameters that are available when you reanalyze a completed run.


The default BaseCaller parameters are tuned for Ion Torrent™ data. In most cases, you do not need to modify these settings. Modifying these parameters is recommended for advanced users only.

However, if you use a custom barcode set, please see the cautions and requirements in Design Custom Barcodes. Correct parameter settings require knowledge of your barcode's distances in signal space. The BaseCaller defaults are optimized for the IonXpress barcode set, and likely are not correct for a custom barcode set.

When you reanalyze a run, other parameters are also listed in the BaseCaller arguments field. These parameters are for internal use please do not change or remove these fields.


Barcode classification is the process by which reads are assigned to one of the barcodes present in one analysis run. Correct barcode classification is important because a classification error results in a read being assigned to the wrong barcode, which in turn leads to the read beinganalyzed as belonging to a wrong sample.

Barcode classification determines which barcode group a read is assigned to. Barcode classification is done for each read immediately after base calling.

Barcode filtering determines if a specific barcode is included in the run report or is filtered out. Barcode filtering works on the barcode groups as a whole.