Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

FreeBayes advanced settings

These parameters control the behavior of the FreeBayes module, which generates a list of variant candidates.

Again, these parameters are recommended for advanced users only.




Candidate generation parameter: Allow indel candidates to be generated when set

Allowed values: 1 = generate indel candidates, 0 = don't generate

Suggested trial value 1


Candidate generation parameter: Allow SNP candidates to be generated when set

Allowed values: 1 = generate SNP hypotheses, 0 = don't generate

Suggested trial value 1


Candidate generation parameter: Allow MNP candidates to be generated when set

Allowed values: 1 = generate MNP hypotheses, 0 = don't generate

Suggested trial value 1


Candidate generation parameter: Allow complex variant candidates to be generated when set

Allowed values: 1 = generate MNP hypotheses, 0 = don't generate

Suggested trial value 1


A candidate generation parameter: A non-HP-indel candidate needs to have an allele frequency greater than this value in the pileup

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value between 0.02 and 0.15


A candidate generation parameter: An HP-indel candidate needs to have an allele frequency greater than this value in the pileup

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value between 0.02 and 0.15


A candidate generation parameter: A variant candidate location needs to have coverage depth greater than this value

Allowed values: Integers >= 0

Suggested trial value 6


A candidate generation and variant evaluation parameter: Minimum mapping quality value required for a read to be considered (for both candidate generation and variant evaluation)

Allowed values: Integers >= 0

Suggested trial value 4


Do not use reads with number of snps above this

Allowed values: Integers >= 0

Suggested trial value 10


A candidate generation parameter: Ignore reads with fraction of mismatch greater than this value

Allowed values: Decimal numbers between 0 and 1

Suggested trial value 1.0




This field is for internal use.

Recommended value: "tvc"


The desirable arguments for aligning the BAM file. Recommended value: "tmap mapall . . . -J 25 --end-repair 15 --do -repeat-clip --context stage1 map4" (ampliseq), "tmap" (others)|


The Variant Caller parameter settings are saved in templates but are not saved in run plans. Parameter changes that you make in a run plan affect only that specific run.

When you change Variant Caller parameter settings in a template, your changes affect all users who create run plans from that template.