Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Set up a barcode run in a template

The same steps apply to a planned run (which is created from a template).

Follow these steps to set up a barcoded run in a template:

  1. Click Plan > Template, then click Add New Template for the application group appropriate to your experiment.

    The Template wizard opens.

  2. Select the correct application group and click Next.
  3. On the Kits page, click the Barcode Set menu. Select the barcode set that corresponds to your barcode kit.
  4. Click Next and complete the rest of the wizard. On the last page, click Save.
  5. Your new template appears in the Plan > Templates page, in the application group you selected.
  6. To run on the Ion sequencing instrument, create a planned run from your new template. Click Settings () > Plan Run for the template you just created.
  7. The planned run wizard opens, in the wizard Plan page. Enter a descriptive run name and enter the sample name for each barcode you want to use click Plan Run to save and finish.
  8. The Planned Runs page opens with your planned run at (or near) the top of the table:

    The Torrent Browser assigns a short code name to your planned run. The example short code here is 67HYE
