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Hard masked PAR regions in chromosome Y

The chromosome Y sequence has the Pseudo Autosomal Regions (PAR) hard masked. This practice is consistent with the 1000 Genome Consortium's decision to hard mask these regions inchromosomeY in order to prevent mis-mapping of reads and issues in variant calling on the gender chromosomes.

The masked Y pseudoautosomal regions are chrY:10001-2649520 and chrY:59034050-59363566. (A related file can be downloaded from

The following background information is from the UCSC site

"The Y chromosome in this assembly contains two pseudoautosomal regions (PARs) that were taken from the corresponding regions in the X chromosome and are exact duplicates:

chrY:10001-2649520 and chrY:59034050-59363566 chrX:60001-2699520 and chrX:154931044-155260560"