Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

RunTransfer plugin configuration

The RunTransfer plugin requires global configuration to connect to the Torrent Server that receives transferred files.

The configuration settings used by the plugin are described in the following table:



IP address or fully qualified hostname

The IP address or fully qualified host name of the receiving Torrent Server.

Remote TS Username (default ionadmin)

The login name of the administrator-level user on the receiving Torrent Server. The default administrator login on a new Torrent Server is ionadmin, but this can be changed.


The login password of the adminstrator-level user on the receiving Torrent Server.

Upload Path (default /results/uploads/)

The path of the directory used to store transferred files and analyses on the receiving Torrent Server.


Applies only to analyses from the Ion Proton™ System. Enable the checkbox to transfer only thumbnail data.