Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Troubleshooting Barcode Classification Issues

Barcode classification metrics are available in the file basecaller_results/datasets_basecaller.json in the Torrent Suite™ Software analysis directory.

This file contains information about all barcodes, no matter whether they appear in the run report or are filtered out. This information describes the numbers of barcodes that would be included or discarded if you reanalyze with certain changed BaseCaller settings.

A sample of this file is shown here. Later examples in this page use this file:

"IEXL3.IonXpress_033": { "Q20_bases": 98859279, "barcode_adapter": "GAT", "barcode_bias": [ 0.026, -0.028, -0.034, 0.011, -0.019, -0.001, 0.072, -0.061, 0.103, -0.008, -0.062, 0.110, -0.021, 0.001], "barcode_distance_hist": [ 907546, 50122, 10793, 4498, 5342 ], "barcode_errors_hist": [ 949782, 24584, 3935 ], "barcode_match_filtered": 162, "barcode_name": "IonXpress_033", "barcode_sequence": "TTCTCATTGAAC", "description": "1T 058a0112 Lib6457 0bp lr2 lr226b04", "filtered": false, "index": 33, "library": "hg19/IonXpress_033", "platform_unit": "PGM/318/IonXpress_033", "read_count": 978301, "recalibrate": true, "sample": "None", "total_bases": 109292583 },