Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help


The following are prerequisites to uploading a new reference file:

  • Create a FASTA format reference sequence file (on your client machine).

    FASTA files can be found at: download the FASTA file to your local client machine.


    It is important that the format of your FASTA file conform to Ion Torrent™ requirements.


    When working with larger genomes, performance improves if you first zip the FASTA file. The create index tool supports a zip archive, provided the file contains only a single FASTA file.

  • Prepare a descriptive name for the genome.
  • Prepare the short name for the genome.
  • Prepare a version for the genome.
  • Know the number of reads to randomly sample for alignment.
  • Prepare a regions of interest file or hotspots file (on your client machine).

    To provide a better uploading experience, Adobe® Flash® or Microsoft™ Silverlight® plugins are required to be installed for your browser. You may need to contact your local system administrator for assistance.