Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

References Management Guide

  1. In the Plan tab, click Settings (), then click References.

    The main reference management page opens:

    The main reference management page opens:

  2. Enter the following:
    • Nucleotide sequence Test Fragments

    • Reference Genomes for aligning reads

    • DNA Barcodes for barcode set management

    In this page you can select reference details, download a reference file from your Torrent server, add a new reference, or use the navigation tabs on the left:

    • Reference Sequences. The main reference management page.

    • Obsolete Reference Sequences. Lists references that need to be reindexed before use. Reindexing is required only on releases that involve a TMAP index change.

    • Target Regions. Analysis is restricted to only the regions of interest that you specify in this file.

    • Hotspots. Variant Caller output files include these positions whether or not a variant is called, and include evidence for a variant and the filtering thresholds that disqualified a variant candidate.

    • Test Fragments. Known sequences used to monitor system characteristics.

    • Barcodes. Work with Ion barcode sets or your own custom barcodes sets.

    • Upload History. Shows the recent uploads of target regions, hotspots, and zip files:

      The Status column shows any error results.