Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Import custom reference

Follow these steps to import a reference genome:

  1. Click Settings ()References:

  2. In the References Sequences section, click Import Custom Reference:
  3. Fill out the Add New Reference Genome form. Required fields are noted on the form.



    Upload FASTA file

    [required] This entry must have a .fasta extension. You can upload a FASTA file from your local machine or click the link to the website and upload one from there.

    Short name

    [required] A shortened form of the genome name, the short form of the genome name may be any alphanumeric character and the underscore (_) character. The name should not match any existing references installed in the /results/referenceLibrary/<index_type>/<genome_shortname>/ directory, including previous unsuccessful attempts at creating reference sequences. Undesired sequences can be removed. Deletion allows the short name to be used for a new genome.


    [required] This entry may be any text string. The description usually includes the genus-species, version, and other identifying information. The description entered here is displayed in various report output, and is listed in the Reference Sequences section of the Admin > References tab.


    [required] Enter any string for the genome version number. The accession number, if there is one, is a good choice. The version entered here is displayed in various report outputs.


    [optional] Use this field to record any notes about the reference genome

  4. Click Select File, then browse to the genome file (on your local machine).
  5. Click the Upload file and create reference button.
  6. (Optional) Click the Install via URL tab, fill out the form, then click Import Reference.

    After the reference is created, you can optionally add target regions BED files and hotspots BED or VCF files to the reference.