Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Plan a run using Generic Sequencing template

The Generic Sequencing templates are used to create planned runs for various applications, such as the System Generic Sequencing or the MuSeek Library. You can select your Ion Reporter™ account, kits, plugins, and parameter settings.


To modify default parameters, see Configure and select a custom analysis parameter set.

  1. In the Plan tab, click Templates, then in the Favorites list, select Generic Sequencing.
  2. Select a template that best matches your application. For instance, if you are using a MuSeek library, select the template with the same name from the Generic Sequencing category.

    The wizard launches and displays the Plan page.

  3. Add samples, confirm or change the default settings, and enter a plan name, then click Plan Run.
  4. Run the plan on your sequencing system.