Run Code
A short code identifying the planned run.
Run Plan Name
Name of the planned run.
Name of the DNA barcode set, if any.
An icon identifying the sequencing application (such as whole genome, RNA Seq, etc.)
Name of the project to contain the output result sets.
You can automate result sets going to more than one project. Only one project is shown here.
Name of the sample to be sequenced.
Sample Tube Label
Name of sample's tube.
Chip Barcode
Chip's barcode.
Name of the reference library used.
Last modified
Time stamp of the last time the planned run was created or changed.
Only runs with status of "planned" can be selected on the sequencing instrument.
A new planned run for the Ion Chef™ System is first set to "pending". The instrument updates the plan to "planned" when the plan is ready to be selected on instrument.
Settings ( ) menu
The Settings ( ) menu on the right side of a planned run allows you to review, edit, copy, delete, or transfer the planned run: