Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Tune Ion Reporter™ Uploader speed parameters

You can adjust speed parameters Ion Reporter™ Uploader to change the rate at which files are uploaded.


Update these settings only if file transfers from Ion Reporter™ Uploader are difficult or slow with the default settings.

  1. In Torrent Suite™ Software, select Data > Completed Runs, then select a run that you want to upload into Torrent Suite™ Software.
  2. In the Run Summary, click the Plugin Summary link, or scroll down to the Plugin Summary tab.

    The Plugin Summary lists any plugins that have completed analysis on your run.

  3. Click Select Plugins to Run, then select IonReporterUploader.
  4. Click Advanced Settings.
    1. Set the Number of Parallel Streams to Default (the recommended optimal speed) or select 1-5 to slow down upload.
    2. Set File Segment Size to Default (recommended), or 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, or 128MB.