Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Integration with Ion Reporter™ Software

Analysis files that are generated in the Torrent Suite™ Software can be directly transferred to an organization in Ion Reporter™ Software with the IonReporterUploaderplugin.

Ion Reporter™ Software uses the Torrent Suite™ Software output BAM file for analysis. The Ion Reporter™ Software annotation-only workflow also accepts the VCF output file of the variantCaller plugin. Use the IonReporterUploader plugin to transfer these BAM and VCF output files to Ion Reporter™ Software.

You can run the IonReporterUploader plugin from a completed Run Summary. You can also configure the IonReporterUploader plugin to run by default after every sequencing run.

Torrent Suite™ Software results files are transferred to Ion Reporter™ Software and are defined as samples in Ion Reporter™ Software when the plugin is run manually.

Results files are also defined as samples in Ion Reporter™ Software when the IonReporterUploader plugin is run as part of a Planned Run or Run template. In addition, the workflow of your choice Ion Reporter™ Software is automatically launched on your newly-transferred samples Ion Reporter™ Software.

The Ion Reporter™ Software is not included with Torrent Suite™ Software and is available under separate license. Before you run the IonReporterUploader plugin, you must configure it with a valid Ion Reporter™ Software account.


When the IonReporterUploader plugin defines samples in Torrent Suite™ Software for your newly- transferred files, the plugin also defines sample relationships for paired and trio samples and defines sample attributes.