Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Transfer limitations

The IonReporterUploader plugin transfers results files for a completed run plan that executed on the Torrent Server where the plugin is configured. The following limitations apply to the IonReporterUploader plugin:

  • You cannot add supplemental files to the results files of a run, in order to have the plugin transfer those files.

  • For barcoded runs:

    • For sequencing runs that use barcoded data, the IonReporterUploader plugin only transfers samples if the barcode kit selection is correct. If you correct or add the barcode kit selection on the sequencing instrument, the IonReporterUploader plugin still uses the original run plan information and the results file transfer fails.

    • For manual launches of the IonReporterUploader plugin on barcoded data, the IonReporterUploader plugin uses the barcode kit that you choose on the sequencing instrument.