Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Plan a run using Human Identification templates

Human Identification (HID) templates are used to create Planned Runs for various Applied Biosystems™ Precision ID panels. These templates will pre-populate your Planned Run with parameters for the selected panel. You can then select additional settings to plan your run.


To modify the default parameters, see Configure and select a custom analysis parameter set.

  1. In the Plan tab, click Templates, then in the Favorites list, select Human Identification.
  2. Select a template that matches your panel.

    The wizard launches and displays the Plan page.

  3. Select the reference and BED files, enter the samples, confirm the default settings, and enter a plan name.
  4. To change kit information, click on the Kits step in the Workflow bar.

    If you are using the Ion PGM™ Hi‑Q™ Chef Kit , select the Ion Chef option next to Template Kit, and select the kit name. Click on the Details button to select the Ion PGM™ Hi‑Q™ Chef for STR workflow, which was optimized in Torrent Suite™ Software 5.2.1.

  5. When you have made all your selections, click Plan Run.
  6. Run the plan on your sequencing system.