Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Data management

You can manage how run data is archived, or deleted, from Torrent Suite Software. You can also import run data.

File category


Signal Processing Input

Signal processing input (raw) data files generated by the sequencing instruments. These files are only available on the Torrent Suite™ Software for PGM or thumbnails for the Ion Proton™ and Ion S5™.

Keep this data if you want to reanalyze the run starting from Signal Processing.

Basecalling Input

Keep this data if you want to reanalyze the run.

Output Files

All of the BAM files and run reports, plugin results. It is important to keep these files, and archive them. Only delete output files if you are sure that you no longer need the files.

Intermediate Files

Intermediate files that contain extra information for use in debugging. Delete these files without effects to data.

Click the Data tab, then Data Management to complete these tasks:
  • Configure automatic archive and deletion of signal processing input, basecalling input, output files, and intermediate files from sequencing runs.

  • Archive or data for selected run reports or run projects

  • Import and export data

  • View active data management jobs for sequencing runs.

  • View category statistics for signal processing input, basecalling input, output files, and intermediate files from sequencing runs.

  • Manage how disk space partitions are used for signal processing input, basecalling input, output files, and intermediate files from sequencing runs.

  • View a log of data management actions

  • Increase file storage and available disk space