Planned Runs
page contains planned runs which are ready to execute on your sequencing instrument. A planned run is an electronic protocol of everything required for a sequencing run, from reagent kits to sample name to genome reference, data analysis, and data management. You create each planned run from an application template (either from a product template or from your own template).Templates and planned runs provide alternate methods (and timing) of entering the same data that is otherwise entered on the Ion sequencing instrument, for example on the Ion PGM™ Run Info screen. With templates and planned runs, you can enter the information in advance, and have an opportunity to print and review your entries. Use of templates and planned runs reduces your hands-on time on the instrument. If you do not create planned runs here in the Plan tab, you must enter the run information directly on the Ion sequencing instrument.
You can your run plans based on your sample sets or on run plan templates.
When you create a planned run, the run plan wizard walks you through each aspect of your new planned run, using pre-populated defaults based on the application template or product template you choose. The example below shows the defaults in the reference selections page. The chevrons across the top show the different pages of the wizard.
To execute a planned run, you select it directly on the sequencing instrument, for instance on the Ion PGM™ Run Info screen.