Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Output files

These links allow you to directly download the data and report files. Some files are compressed, using ZIP, to provide data integrity and to reduce download time.

Click a file type to save the file to your local computer. Most output files can be loaded into third-party viewers (such as IGV) for visualization. The barcode row only appears for runs on barcoded data.

Files in the barcode row are zips of one file per active barcode. To download only BAM and BAI files for a single barcode, go to the barcode section at the top of the run report.




Files with unaligned reads (before alignment)

Aligned Reads

Files with aligned reads

File type


Aligned reads


Unaligned reads in BAM format.

In this release, the BAM file contains some flow space information.

Aligned reads sorted by reference location.


BAM index file