Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Set a plugin to run by default after every run

You can use the following settings for any plugin that is installed in your Torrent Suite™ Software, whether it is pre-installed or if it is downloaded from the Thermo Fisher Cloud.


If a plugin runs automatically, you can still rerun the plugin manually after a sequencing run is completed. For details, see Run a plugin manually from the sequencing run report .

  • To set the plugin to run automatically after every run:
    1. Click Settings () > Plugins.
    2. Ensure that the Enabled checkbox next to the plugin name that you want to run by default is selected.
    3. Select the Selected by Default checkbox next to the plugin name.

    The plugin is now set to perform its function after every sequencing run.


    Deselect the Selected by Default checkbox to disable automatic execution of the plugin.

  • To set a plugin to run automatically as part of a Planned Run or run template (not required if you previously set the plugin to run by default after every run):
    1. Under the Plan tab, click Templates.
    2. Select an application from the Favorites list, then select an existing Planned Run template from the list. Alternatively, select Add New Template, or Plan New Run to create a new Planned Run template or Planned Run.
    3. Click the Plugins workflow bar.
    4. Select the plugins that you want to run automatically after a run.

      If Configure appears after the checking the box, be sure to click the link and configure the plugin before starting the run.

    5. Click Next, or another workflow bar to make further changes to your Planned Run.

    The plugin is now set to run after every sequencing run that uses the Planned Run or Planned Run template.