Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Plan a run with RNA Seq templates

RNA Seq templates are used to create Planned Runs for Ion Total RNA Seq Kits. These templates will pre-populate your Planned Run with parameters for whole transcriptome and small RNA sequencing applications. You can then select additional settings to plan your run.


To modify the default parameters, see Configure and select a custom analysis parameter set.

  1. In the Plan tab, click Templates, then in the Favorites list, select RNA Seq.
  2. Select the template that matches your application.

    The wizard launches and displays the Plan page.

  3. Enter the samples, confirm the default settings, and enter a plan name.
  4. To change kit information, click on the Kits step in the Workflow bar.

    If you are using Ion PI™ Hi‑Q™ Sequencing Kit or the Ion 540™ Kit with the Ion Chef™ Instrument, select the Ion Chef option next to Template Kit, and select the kit name. Click on the Details button to select the Whole Transcriptome RNA workflow, which was optimized in Torrent Suite™ Software 5.2.1.

  5. When you have made all your selections, click Plan Run.
  6. Run the plan on your sequencing system.