Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

View a DNA barcode or barcode set

Follow these steps to view a DNA barcode or barcode set:

  1. Click Settings () > References, then scroll down to the DNA Barcodes panel.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Click the name of the barcode set to view.

    • Click Settings () > Edit for that barcode.

This displays the barcodes in the set:

Note the page number controls to view other pages:

You can click any column header in bold to sort the display by that column.

The Settings () menu provides Edit and Delete options:

The Settings () menu Edit option is the same as double-clicking the barcode name.

Dialog buttons are displayed to add a new barcode to this set and to delete the entire barcode set. The barcode edit and delete feature is only for custom barcode sets that you install.


Do not edit, delete, or modify the pre-installed barcode sets IonSet1, IonXPress, IonXPressRNA, RNA_Barcode_None, or MuSeek_5prime_tag.