Torrent Suite Software 5.4 Help

Realign a run to a different reference genome

This section describes how to rerun an analysis with alignment to a different reference genome.

These steps create a new run report.

  1. In the Data tab, click Completed Runs & Reports, then find the name for the report that you want to reanalyze.
    • In the Table View, click Settings () > Reanalyze in the row of the run that you want to reanalyze:

    • In the list view, click Reanalyze in the row of the run that you want to reanalyze:

    The main run analysis dialog opens:

  2. (Optional) Click the Reference & Barcoding tab to display the additional options for references. Here you can select a different reference for the entire run or a specific reference for each barcode.
  3. (Optional) In the Default Alignment Reference section, select the reference for this run from the list of available references.
  4. (Optional) Click Analysis Options, then modify other options as appropriate.
  5. Click Start Analysis.
  6. Click Settings () > Services to ensure that the job has started and is listed in Active Jobs: